Saturday, September 26, 2015

Mindset Shift

I used to walk around being very aware of the work of the enemy.

Now, I walk around being very aware of the work of God.

There are probably several things that can explain this shift; one of them is a shift of my own sight.

My car has become a very anointed place. Maybe it was all of those hours infiltrating the space with the songs of Jesus Culture, Bethel, and the like.

Maybe God decided to meet me there. Or maybe it's a combination of all three and I just happen to spend a lot of time in the car!

On my way home from work yesterday, I was washed with a wave of His presence. Like getting a goosebump wave from behind and from head on. Then this thought hit me: "Every single place I go, the enemy is going to know I was there."

I feel a sense of power and authority that I have been longing for my whole life. Many of us have a heart to help those who need it, but for a long time have felt helpless. 

We have been more aware of the enemy than of the presence of God. 

The Spirit of the Lord is an insurgent force. He in surges in us and then through us. Plug into His power and release it. 

Shift your eyes to see that the Kingdom of God is building an army with soldiers being equipped with skill, love, truth, power, and justice. 

Many soldiers are shaking awake to the prescence of God and learning to walk in His power. I desperately want to learn more so that I can better equip my children for the times to come. 

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